The Promise of Facing not Fixing

When the going gets tough to you, what do you do?


With the emergence of digital cameras, the sales for photographic film rapidly declined in the year 2000. Fujifilm, one of the leaders in the development and distribution of this kind of film was stuck. Kodak, their competitor, has funneled a significant amount of their resources to create a need in film through various marketing campaigns. But ultimately failed. Fujifilm’s strength lied in various innovations and developments surrounding photographic film. But what do you do when people no longer need films and cameras? It was easy for them to follow in the tracks of their competitor, where they refuse to let go of their proficiencies and scramble to fix this “problem”. It was now a race against the clock. They had to figure out what to do with all of the film that they still had in stock. However- Fujifilm devised a different approach and it is the reason why even in the world of digital cameras, Fujifilm is still alive and kicking.

Instead of sticking to their guns, they took a step back and assessed what were the resources that made up their core competencies. And a discovery they made was that there was an ingredient in their film that served as an antioxidant for the skin. They then made a move that ultimately saved their company: Moving to skincare. Fujifilm developed a series of skincare products under the name ASTALIFT and the rest as they say is history.

Major changes in our lives and in the world would back us in a corner. No need to look further, just take for example what we are experiencing now with the whole virus outbreak. Unprecedented change in the way the world works. But what happens when we get backed into a corner? When we feel crushed, discouraged and exhausted by all the circumstances in our lives. What do we do?

Paul gives us a guide on the next steps we can do through the passage in Philippians 4:11-13. Now let us remember that when he wrote this passage, the man was in chains in jail and despite that, he was praising the Lord, giving thanks and writing about how much his heart was full of contentment. He learned how to face the problems and changes in this world with contentment.

It is equally important to understand that Paul is not presenting a magical cure-all-of-your-problems pill, but shifting the focus away from these problems and locked into The Lord. A Christ-centered contentment is NOT a passive attitude of earthly satisfaction, BUT it is an active and conscious decision. Hence what is written in verse 13, that, “I can DO all things through CHRIST.”

Christian contentment is appreciating and MAXIMIZING what you have. Why? It is because it was THE LORD who gave you the resources that you have. God did not promise us for everything to be smooth sailing all the time. For us never to be down. If He did, well Paul wouldn’t be in jail now would he? Instead we continually look to God in times where we are backed to a corner because it is THROUGH THE STRENGTH THAT CHRIST GIVES that we are able to do ALL THINGS. It is through the POWER of Jesus that we receive this contentment and is not dependent on our circumstances.

It is in times of struggle that God’s strength is made manifest in our lives. They say that the only thing constant in this world is change. And another thing that never changes is that in times of struggle, God’s strength is made manifest even more in our lives. We find contentment in knowing that the circumstances we face may be beyond us BUT we know someone who gives us the strength we need to overcome.

Times are tough for sure. Nothing is certain. But we can be content with the fact that we can be content because He has given us all we need to DO all things in His Name. Maximize what you have been given to overcome this challenging season, if not, then it’s like trying to sell photographic film in a world who uses digital cameras.

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