“The Comfort Zone”

Are you ready to take the first step away from your comfort zone?


“You have to break out of your comfort zone.”

A saying that is all too familiar to us. And for the benefit of the folks who may not be familiar with the phrase, it simply means there are times in life where you have to push yourself to something unfamiliar and encourages you to do something you won’t normally do. It’s about achieving something by breaking through your limits.

As human beings it is natural for us to gravitate towards safety and stay miles away from anything we perceive as threats. Which is why it is very human for us to veer away from the unfamiliar. We create a sense of security around routine and familiarity and tend not go beyond it for a number of reasons, many of which revolves around fear.

This in turn keeps us away from the potential of doing or being part of something greater. And in many cases, keeps us away from the path where God wants us to be. And the Lord has always called His people to come out of their comfort zones. He called Abraham out of his hometown, He chose Moses to lead His people out of Egypt, He armed Joshua into a battle that in human comprehension would be a battle lost before it even begun. What do these men have in common? A sense of hesitation at the start. Doubt. Fear. All of those “human” tendencies where present and recorded in the Scripture. And another thing that they had in common was they were all used by God to do great and mighty things in His name.

Jesus Himself when He came down to earth stepped miles away from what can be perceived as a “comfort zone”. If you notice, every monumental change that had to happen did not happen in a comfort zone. A risk, a stretch and a strong grip on God’s hand had to happen during that walk into the unknown.

And although it is HUMAN to fear and doubt anything uncomfortable, it is Christian for us to put our faith in our God and take the leap. I will not deny that yes it will take strength and courage to jump out of that comfort zone AND- the Lord has afforded that to us through His Holy Spirit. It is important to remember as well that our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit. The permanent dwelling place of His Holy Spirit is within us. And one of the many functions of the Holy Spirit is to give us comfort, so you might say that God has surrounded us in a zone of comfort because of His Spirit in us. And it is through this that as human as we may be, Jesus gives us the boldness to face uncertainty head on and do great things for His kingdom.

And this can only happen if we develop a willing heart to jump out of our comfort zone. A heart that is grounded in faith rather than a human comprehension of “safety”. A faith strong enough that constantly reminds you that whatever your circumstance, and no matter the uncertainty you face, you know that through it all- The Lord is in control. Because at the end of it all, the power of God that allowed Abraham to be the father of many nations, caused Moses to part the Red Sea and deliver the Israelites and the gave Joshua a mighty victory; God has made that available for you.