Marriage by Design

An insightful look into marriage by the Theological Commission


Decades ago, in conservative nations like the Philippines and places where the
Church had strong influence, marriage between man and woman was strongly
held. However, this traditional view is being challenged, attacked and shaken to
its very foundation. In fact, there already exist today, ‘alternatives’ that are
diametrically opposed to what the Bible prescribes. As people of God we stand,
uphold and defend the Biblical View of Marriage.

Marriage is clearly enshrined in the Holy Scripture. By design, marriage is
exclusively and beautifully between man and woman (Genesis 2:22-24). With
God’s image in both man and woman’s inmost being, God enjoined the first
couple to take care of creation and multiply (Genesis 1:27-28), showing God’s
trust and perpetual plan for marriage.

Furthermore, marriage, as instituted by God, is the pinnacle of His Holy Order.
Here we can glean, in its very inception, that it plays a big part in the creation
order. Any deviance from this holy design is tantamount to disobedience, thus,
desecrating the intended purpose of God in his creation. Marriage is also meant
to be for lifetime and set by God not to be overridden by human interventions
and/or preferences (Mark 10:9). Although, this may not be the popular view
today, we in the Assemblies of God still maintain that marriage is a lifetime
commitment with divine love and complementary.

Times have change and cultures vary as well yet the Bible is unchanged in its
support for marriage between man and woman with God in the center of this holy