Great is Thy Faithfulness

Let us be reminded of who God is in our lives


That is indeed a wonderful proclamation. At some point in our lives, we have sung that poem-turned-hymn that was originally written by Thomas Obadiah Chisholm. It is interesting to note that this poem was put together in the midst of struggle. Thomas was born in the 1800’s and for all life struggled with debilitating health concerns. These health issues caused him to reap failure in almost everything he set out to try. AND YET despite everything that has happened in his situation, he was still able to sit down one day and write about God’s amazing faithfulness. How was he able to develop such a perspective? Because Thomas Obadiah Chisholm was able to see the whole picture.

A Scottish Professor and Teacher by the name of James S. Stewart related that our lives are like a good painting. Any good painting has 2 important elements which are the FOREGROUND and the BACKGROUND. The former is the visual plane and elements that seem closest to the viewer, while the latter is the space that surrounds the painting. Now just like a painting, the foreground and the background are not divided. They may be independent from each other BUT both are part of the same picture. Relating this to our daily lives, the Foreground are the things in our life that we can easily identify and focus on while the Background is the invisible realities that are behind and above us.

To expand this thought further, our Foreground in the present context may be the whole situation with the global pandemic and the challenges brought about by it. And too often, we tend to put a tremendous amount of focus on the Foreground of our lives, neglecting what is in the Background. It is important to be reminded that in our Background lies the divine spiritual realities and promises that God wants us to see. It is through these realities and promises that God puts everything in the right perspective. It is equally important to note that we should dismiss our foreground; instead God encourages us to see the picture as a whole.

In Matthew 6:25-34 we find 2 commands that Jesus gives us. The first is, “Do not be anxious” which are the things we should avoid while the 2nd is “Seek first the Kingdom of God” which now gives us something to pursue. Looking at both aspects allow us to see the whole picture as it is: No matter what happens in our situation (our Foreground), God is always in control (our Background). Jesus gives us the confidence that we need not worry because He will supply and provide everything we need. Why? Because He cares for us. Because He wants to make us better and stronger. He gives us assurance that in any situation we may face, He is working something good for us in the background. This verse is also a testament that behind every good thing in ALL creation is the loving, sustaining hand of our Father. This is the background that Jesus wants us to be reawakened to. That we can cast all our cares, anxiety and fears to Him.

As His people, we are called to respond to our present situation as He would. And He also calls us to life where we put a bigger priority to seeking His Kingdom first. His Spirit, Love and Peace are in the Background and He wants these to be what will shape our Foreground. In this world, we Christians are called to bear witness to the Kingdom of Christ and The Lord lead our hearts and minds to helpful and creative ways on how we can live this out. Let us allow God’s faithfulness and eternal kingdom be the background that transforms how we perceive everything else.