More than Conquerors

A life of victory is what God has designed for us


And just like that, 10 months have passed for 2020. It has definitely been an unprecedented year not just for our country, but for the whole world. Talking beyond 2020, in the challenges and adversity we have and may face, it is important to be reminded that God has made us more than conquerors.

This is indeed a fantastic promise that Paul recorded in Romans 8:26-39 because the certainty in being “more than conquerors” is that we do not face trials alone. Our God is with us. And it is our God who reminds us that He made us to win. In the presence of The Lord we can stand tall over the devil, our circumstance or anything else. And victory through our God isn’t by a small margin, but it is always victory by a landslide.

Contemplating on Paul’s letter to the Romans, the ability to become more than conquerors IS A MATTER OF FINDING STRENGTH IN GOD. It is only through Him that we receive the strength to overcome anything and everything in our path. It is important to keep in mind 3 things that The Lord does in our lives for us to be more than conquerors:

1.) The Holy Spirit is our Prayer Partner

(8:26) …the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.

This is one of the ministries of the Holy Spirit. We may not know what to say to God, but he does. The Holy Spirit intercedes for us in prayer and his prayers are always in accordance with God’s will. Verse 34 also reveals that we have 2 Prayer Partners and the other one is none other than Jesus.

2.) God is in control of the events of our lives

(8:28) And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

The true essence of this verse is not claiming that nothing ever bad will happen to you. Instead, if a man that has surrendered his heart fully to The Lord then nothing bad can ever happen to that person. Why? It is because God has promised that in any event that happens through the course of our lives, He has worked them out for good. God has made us to live above our circumstance, this is His ultimate design for our lives.

3.) We are surrounded by God’s inseparable Love

As human beings, we tend to comprehend our circumstance according to our limited capacity. It is in this area that we may think and feel that God has abandoned us, and this rings true in times of hardship. Paul reminds us that no matter what hardship you encounter; it cannot separate you from God’s love. There is a humanly unbelievable strength in knowing that God’s love surrounds us each and every moment. The knowledge that we can never be separated from God’s love affords us the confidence knowing that in whatever trial we face, the Lord is there with us.

Ultimately the battle for holiness is won in the mind. It is determined by what you think; by what you believe. When you choose to believe more in God’s power than your own, it is then that we become more than conquerors. Let us continue to find strength in God’s promise that He always works in our lives in whatever we do.