
God's Word is alive but do we carry that life in us?


If you take a good look back at human history, you would notice that man’s highest peaks and lowest valleys; every achievement, regardless of how good or made it may have been, rode on one thing. Not on man’s limitless capacity for ingenuity and not even on the boundless creative capability of man’s hand, but on words. There is immense power in words and it has been a driving factor that has dictated and changed the course of history.

And taking a look at your own personal history, you’d be able to see how the power of words was able to affect your life. It may take various forms, but the impact of words remains the same and it is causes very significant impact. Not a day passes by where we don’t use the power of words, and it is how we use them that defines the type of impact and change we are helping to create.

So ask yourself, how are you choosing to use words? Solomon mentioned in Proverbs 18:21 that Death and Life are in the power of the tongue. How mindful or how careless we have been with our words makes the difference between the two.

Words have the power to start a fire in people and they too have the power to put it out. It can build people up or tear them apart. As followers of Christ, if you were asked how you are using your words, you’d probably read this question and say that the answer is quite obvious. But I challenge you to introspect and really see what the impact of your words may have been lately. The words you use when you talk to your family, to the people in your church, to the people you like and to the people that you don’t. And yes, the words you use on your social media counts as well. The way you use them to express joy and anger. Really introspect and see if the impact of your words encourage life or the opposite.

With the global pandemic we are facing, our roles as Christians are highlighted even more. We are called to be reflections of Christ in all aspects. Let’s use our words to point the world to Christ. Our role as salt and light of the earth has to be more evident.

In the beginning when the world was covered in darkness, light pierced through that shroud with a word from the Lord. And now, with the fear and doubt casting a huge shadow over the world, we are the light that shines with the love of the Lord. Whenever we speak life, we reflect the likeness of Christ. Let our words be alive with the hope and love that Christ has made available for all humanity.